jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

exercise of halloween

happy halloween

1.- Find out the price of Disney’s Halloween party for this year at Disney Resort Paris.
2.- Get the price and the cover (image of the film) of a famous American movie called Halloween Resurrection. There is a special offer at the moment!!!
3.-There is a radio station which broadcast typical creepy and horror songs all day long. Get the website address and 3 tittles of songs related with Halloween.
4.- Find an easy joke in English which has to do with Halloween (You can get some at a widely known "holiday spot")
5.- Embed a creepy video about some interesting Halloween scene.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

welcome to my world

My name is Paula I am 15 years old I live in Bezana
Here's some more information about me:
I like theatre
I hate false friends
My best friends "somos lo mismo"
I collect books. For example: Harry Potter
I'm scared of dark
For breakfast, I have milk with chocolate
The food that I like most is lassagne
My most precious possession is teddys
The person / thing who / which annoys me most the noisy when I read
If I were an animal wolf
My best friend would describe me as a funny person
If I could change my name it would be Dafne
I can't resist laugh with my friends
My number one of (almost) everything:
TV show: El Internado
Film/movie: Harry Potter
actor: Orlando Bloom
actress: Emma watson
music group / artist: La Oreja de Van Goth
food: pasta
sports team / person: football spanish seleccion
My message to the world: be happy