domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Dear brother
I haven´t see you for a long time, but I have not stopped thinking about you, ever.

I now live far from home, in a huge stone castle: it has four towers, my bedroom which faces north, from which everything is white in winter reminds me of the ghosts Christmas story, Christmas Carol

The castle has also long corridors and large living room. The kitchen is very large and there is plenty of food, the maids are very friendly.

The library is a magical place full of books and ancient paper scrolls

There is a beautiful story of a princess and a prince living a beautiful love story, the two are in love.

I also want a prince charming and not that dark Count.

I hate him, even if my fiance does not speak of anything else other than money.

I am sixteen years and I do not want to marry , I want to leave here, but I can´t

Hugs and kisses
Your little sister

Dear brother